Monday, June 28, 2010

Ramblin' Jack Elliott at the Cedar.

June 19-- We went to go see a folk pioneer play at the Cedar.  I think there is a trend forming of seeing folk musicians at the Cedar.  That's cool. 
Anyway, yes, so the mysterious "Rolling Patches Revue" part that was included on the event poster ended up being a (long winded) tribute to Ramblin' Jack himself, including a zillion local folksters, and then, surprise, Patches and Gretchen happened to be there too.  Well anyway, that's unimportant.
Yeah okay so then after all that and the intemission, 'twas time for Ramblin' Jack's set.  He was welcomed warmly by all, and sat down to play a few songs. No pictures were to be taken because he said that when people shot pictures of him, he felt compelled to "shoot back."  Well, he played some songs, and mostly told stories.  He really lives up to his epithet.  I don't know if we ever did reach the punchline to some of them.  His "sweetheart" Vickie Lee (the Queen of Rockabilly) came out to do a song with him (sung in G.. the People's Key) and rambled a little bit about some teddy bears that they have living at home that talk to them and often have malicious intentions.  Jack talked about Bob Dylan, and did a quick impression of him (well, his voice) during a song.  He got on coughing jags.  He complained about the heat, and the funny shape of his new hat.  He was pretty colorful.  Good stuff though.  I feel lucky to have seen the man.

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