Friday, June 12, 2009


The school year ended yesterday for me, and in all the hubbub I managed to finish one last art project. The Music Tapes show of February had affected me so wonderfully, I thought I would make some Music Tapes-inspired bits. I suppose you could call them "jewelry," but I guess when I was making them I wasn't really thinking jewelry as much as little metal bits. Also, they make a chiming sound when you have them all together on strings (perfect).

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Record Show!

On Saturday the mums and I went to a neat little record show at the VFW on Lyndale Ave. in Minneapolis that my dear old teacher Mr. Lewis had been promoting in his room for a while. It was raining like a pissing cow that day, but we had fun and enjoyment anyways. We spent some two hours flipping through all the milk-crates of records and 45s and talking to the vendors (some of whom were pretty interesting cats), and I ended up picking up a few things I've never heard of, and thought I would just try them all out. I got some albums by the bands Brian Brain, Fungus Brains, and the Posterchildren, plus some lovely Greek vocal stylings by Nana Moskouri, a Russian Orchestral Pieces record, and some Hungarian Gypsy Melodies. This show was fun. I think I've found my self a new hobby or maybe obsession.