Friday, May 23, 2008

Art Show at the High School

The High School Art Show is tonight, and from what I've seen, it probably will be pretty amusing. My Birkmose Park painting (no photo, sorry) is hanging up in the antechamber, and it's neato to see all the pictures students have created.
My cousin Kristine has a purple painting of a dancer that is absolutely amazing hanging in the hallway, and I stopped to look at it earlier today, and was a tad confused by the title.
Later, at lunch her friend Gunnar informed her that her painting was entitled Cholera. I corroborated with him, and Kristine wasn't all too happy to hear that. As it turns out, Kristine had asked her friend Jessie to print out a label for her, and Jessie thought it would be funny to rename the piece Cholera. I must say, it was pretty hilarious when I saw it.
And that, friends, is the story of Cholera, the painting.


Mandy said...

Oooh, I know which painting you are talking about. That's your cousins?!! Wow it is absolutley amazing. I love the purple shadowing.

michelle said...

I thought all the art was AMAZING ( i saw it during marching band stuff....yeah i AM a TOTAL band geek)