Tuesday, September 16, 2008


So, it's 916. The significance? Well,
my favorite band of ever, the pillows, formed on this very day in 1989. So, today is their nineteenth anniversary, and for us fans, it's a tradition of sorts to recognize this day every year. So it leads me to wonder: what has the future in store for our beloved Sawao, Yoshiaki, Shin, and Jun? They're showing no signs of slowing, so I guess we'll have to wait and see, yes?
Band photo found on the 2005 SXSW site.

Monday, September 15, 2008


I've been thinking about how wonderful people's strange little quirks are. Life would be terribly boring if nobody had an odd little habit they do regularly.
The other day, I was sitting at a bench at the mall, when I spotted a young-ish man, he couldn't have been older than 25, in a burgundy tee shirt, walking and singing loudly to himself. He strolled by singing some lovely song, and disappeared into the book store. At first, I thought, why, that's odd, because I don't generally see people singing to themselves when they are walking alone. But a few seconds later, after he was gone, I wished I would have stopped him, and at least asked, what song are you singing?
I really liked this fellow-- because he has a wonderful idiosyncrasy of singing aloud. These quirks are great. I love to see all the little eccentricities of the world come out.